Cranberry-almond Apple Pie

  • on September 8, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

1 c Sugar Frozen
1/4 c All-purpose flour 1 ea 9 inch pie shell
3 tb Butter or margarine — Topping
Melted 1/2 c Packed brown sugar
1/2 ts Ground nutmeg 1/3 c All-purpose flour
1/8 ts Salt 1/2 ts Ground cinnamon
6 md Apple — thinly sliced 3 tb Butter or margarine
1 c Cranberries — fresh or 1/3 c Almonds — toasted

In a bowl, combine sugar, flour, butter, nutmeg and salt; mix well.
Add apples and cranberries; stir gently. Pour into pie shell. In a
small bowl, mix the brown sugar, flour and cinnamon; cut in butter
until crumbly. Stir in almonds; sprinkle over filling. bake at 350
deg for 1 hr. or until apples are tender. Yield: 6 to 8 servings.

8 servings

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