Blue Hubbard And Maple Pie

  • on November 30, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

1 1/4 c All-Purpose Flour In small pieces
1 ts Kosher Salt 3 tb Vegetable Shortening, Cold
1 ts Sugar 3 tb Ice Water
4 tb Unsalted Butter, Cold — cut

1 1/2 c Blue Hubbard Squash Puree * 1/2 ts Kosher Salt
4 lg Eggs — lightly beaten 1 ts Ground Cinnamon
3/4 c Pure Maple Syrup 1/2 ts Grated Nutmeg
1/2 c Half And Half

1 c Heavy Cream 2 ts Vanilla Extract
2 tb Pure Maple Syrup

* To make squash puree, halve the squash, scoop out the seeds and
fibers, and cut into 5- to 6-inch pieces. Place on baking sheets and
roast at 400 F until soft, about 1 hour. Scoop the flesh from the
skin with a spoon, drain off as much liquid as possible, and pulse
briefly in a food processor. One 10-lb squash will yield about 8 cups
of puree. The puree can be stored in an airtight container for up to
3 days in the refrigerator or several months in the freezer.

1. To make the crust, combine the flour, salt, and sugar in a medium
bowl. Rub in the butter and shortening until the mixture resembles
coarse meal. Gradually stir in the ice water, being careful not to
overwork the dough. Form into a ball, flatten into a disk, and wrap
in plastic. Refrigerate for 1 hour. 2. Preheat the oven to 400 F. 3.
Roll out the dough and fit it into a 9-inch pie plate. 4. To make the
filling, whisk all the filling ingredients together until smooth.
Scrape into the pie shell and bake for 10 mins. Reduce the heat to
325 F. and continue baking until the filling is set, about 50 mins.
5. Just before serving, make the topping. Whip the cream to very soft
peaks. Add the maple syrup and the vanilla and whip to soft peaks.
Cut the pie into wedges and top each portion with a dollop of the
cream. Makes one 9-inch pie.

1 servings

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