Chocolate-peanut Butter Ice Cream Pie

  • on November 2, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

Non-stick vegetable oil
1/2 c Chopped dry roasted peanuts
12 Oreo cookies; broken
1/4 c Unsalted butter; melted,
-(1/2 stick)

1 1/3 c Purchased chocolate fudge
2 tb Kahlua or other coffee
1 1/2 ts Instant expresso powder
1 1/2 ts Water

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Spray 9 inch diameter pie dish with 1 inch
high sides with non-stick vegetables oil spray. Finely grind peanuts in
processor. Add cookies and blend until finely chopped. Transfer to bowl.
Mix in butter. Press crumb mixture into prepared dish. Bake 8 minutes
(sides may sink slightly). If necessary, press crumb mixture back up sides
of dish using paper towel as aid. Let cool completely. Transfer crust to
freezer.FILLING: 4 pts. chocolate ice cream, softened slightly 6 (1.8 oz.)
pkgs. chocolate peanut butter cups, chopped

Place ice cream in large bowl. Mix in peanut butter cups. Spread half of
ice cream mixture into crust. Cover and freeze remaining ice cream mixture.
Freeze pie until filling sets, about 4 hours. Let remaining ice cream
soften just slightly. Spoon over frozen ice cream in pie dish, mounding to
dome. Freeze until firm, about 4 hours. Can be prepared 1 day ahead

SAUCE: (optional)

Stir all ingredients in heavy small saucepan over medium low heat until
heated through. Cut pie into wedges. Transfer to plates. Serve, passing
sauce separately.

1 Servings

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