Nutty Pumpkin Pie

  • on December 31, 2007
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Ingrients & Directions

1 pk Unflavored gelatin 2 tb Orange juice
1/4 c Cold water 1 ts Ground cinnamon
1 1/2 c Canned pumpkin 1/2 ts Ground nutmeg
3/4 c Sugar Sesame Pastry Shell
2 tb Unsalted margarine 1/2 c Chopped pecans
1 ts Grated orange rind

1 c All-purpose flour 1/2 ts To 1 ts sesame seeds
1/4 ts Grated lemon rind 1/3 c Shortening
1/8 ts Ground mace 2 tb ;cold water

Soften gelatin in water; let stand 5 minutes.
Combine gelatin and next 7 ingredients in a heavy saucepan, mixing
well; cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, 3 to 4 minutes or
until mixture is thoroughly heated. Pour into pastry shell, and
sprinkle pecans on top. Chill until firm. Yield: 8 servings. (About
2 mg sodium per serving).

Sesame Pastry Shell:
Combine flour, lemon rind, mace, and sesame seeds; cut in
shortening with pastry blender until mixture resembles coarse meal.
Sprinkle cold water evenly over surface, and stir with a fork until
all dry ingredients are moistened. Shape dough into a ball; chill.
Roll dough to 1/8″ thickness on a lightly floured surface. Fit
pastry into a 9-inch pieplate, and flute edges as desired. Bake at
475 degrees F for 8 to 10 minutes or until golden. Yield: one 9-inch
pastry shell.

From Kathleen Stone of Texas in March, 1982 “Southern Living” Typos
by Jeff Pruett

8 servings

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