Tyler Pie

  • on February 29, 2008
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Ingrients & Directions

3/4 c White sugar 1/4 lb Butter or margarine
1/2 c Brown sugar 1/2 c Milk
3 tb Cornstarch 2 ea Eggs, separated
1 ts Vanilla 1 ea 9″ unbaked pastry shell
1 ts Nutmeg

Mix sugars and cornstarch, add milk and cook a little. Add butter and egg
yolks and bring to a good boil. Remove from fire and add beaten egg
whites, vanilla and nutmeg. Pour into unbaked pie shell. Bake at 325
degrees until firm and brown, about 30-35 mins.
Mrs. Harold T. Cook says, “This is an old family recipe & guests are
always puzzled as to what is in it. Don’t tell – keep them guessing! This
is the first time I’ve told.”

8 servings

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