Peach Pie

  • on July 22, 2008
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Ingrients & Directions

3/4 c Whole wheat pastry flour 1/4 c Soy flour
1/4 c Sesame seed 1/2 ts Each;salt,baking powder
1/3 c Cold margarine 1/4 c Cold water
1 x ————-f————– 6 oz Peach nectar
1 pk 1 scant t unflavored gelatin 1/3 c Orange juice concentrate
1/4 ts Vanilla 1 x Dash almond extract
1 c Plain low fat yogurt 1 lb Peaches,peeled and sliced *

* Save a few pieces for garnish Mix together flours,seeds,salt and baking
powder.Cut in margarine with a pastry blender until mixture resembles large
coarse crumbs. Sprinkle in water and stir with fork to make a ball.Turn out
onto a floured board and shape into a ball,the flatten slightly.Wrap in
plastic and chill for 1 hour.Roll out chilled crust to fit one 9″ pie
plate.Crimp edges and prick bottom and edges of pie crust with a fork.Bake
in a preheated 450 degree oven for about 10 minutes or until golden
brown.Cool thoroughly,then chill for 1/2 hour. Place the nectar in a small
saucepan,and sprinkle in the gelatin. Let the gelatin soften for a few
minutes,then heat the mixture,stirring it,until the gelatin is
dissolved.Stir in the orange juice concentrate vanilla and almond
extract.Chill the mixture until it is the consistency of raw egg
whites,then whip the mixture with an egg beater or electric mixer until it
is fluffy.Fold in yogurt and whip the mixture again.Arrange half the peach
slices on the bottom of the chilled crust.Pour in two thirds of the yogurt
mixture.Arrange another layer of peaches on top of this and pour in the
rest of the yogurt mixture.Chill pie until it has set.If desired,garnish
with reserved peach slices when it has nearly set.Makes a 9″ pie.

6 servings

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