Pier House Key Lime Pie

  • on July 29, 2008
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Ingrients & Directions

4 ea Eggs,separated 1 c 14 oz. sweet condensed milk
1/2 c Key or persian lime juice 1/2 ts Cream of tartar
1 ea 9″ graham cracker crust 1 x ————-m————–
4 ea Egg whites 4 tb Sugar

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.With an electric mixer,beat the egg yolks on
high speed until thick and light in color.Turn off mixer and add the
condensed milk,Mix on low speed.Still on low speed,add half the lime
juice,cream of tartar and then the remaining lime juice.Mix until blended.
Pour into prepared crust and bake for 10 to 15 minutes or until the center
is firm and dry to the touch.Freeze for at least 3 hours before topping
with meringue. To make meringue,heat the egg whites and sugar in the top of
a double boiler,stirring frequently,to 110 degrees.Beat on high speed until
stiff peaks are formed.Top the frozen pie and return it to the freezer
until ready to serve.It keeps for several days.

8 servings

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