Cape Breton ‘pork Pies’

  • on August 22, 2008
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Ingrients & Directions

1 c Butter 2 c Flour
4 ts Icing sugar; confectioner’s

2 c Dates; chopped 1 c -Water
1 1/2 c Brown sugar Lemon juice

“How these little tarts got their name remains a mystery to us. It could be
that pork fat was once used as the shortening or it just moght be a
reflection of the wonderful Cape Breton sense of humor.”

Tart Shells: Cut the butter into the flour; add the suga rand knead until
well blended. Press small amounts of dough into small muffin tins. Press
small amounts of dough into small muffin tins. Bake in a 425F oven for 10
minutes. When cool fill with the following:

Filling: Simmer the above ingredients until the dates are of soft
consistency. Cool; then fill the tart shells. Ice with butter icing.

1 servings

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