Ancho Chile Fudge Pie

  • on November 28, 2008
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Ingrients & Directions

2 Eggs
1/2 c Sugar
1/2 c Packed brown sugar
1/2 c Plus
2 tb Flour
2 tb Ancho chile puree
1/2 c Margarine; melted
1/2 c Chopped walnuts
1 c Chocolate chips
1 tb Vanilla
1 9″ unbaked pastry shell
Cool whip

Date: Sat, 17 Feb 1996 16:08:14 -0600

From: Judy Howle
Here is an unusual recipe. Somebody try it and let me know how it tastes!
A chef on TV (could have been on Bert Wolfe’s show) prepared this:

Ancho puree: Remove stem, seeds and veins from 4-5 ancho chiles. Cut in
pieces. Soak in boiling water 20 minutes. Blend in blender with small
amount of fresh water.

Cream eggs and sugars. Add flour and ancho paste. Add melted margarine.
Mix well. Add nuts, chocolate chips and vanilla. Put in shell. Bake at
350 d. about 1 hr. until lightly browned. Serve with Cool Whip.


From the Chile-Heads recipe list. Downloaded from Glen’s MM Recipe

8 Servings

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