Do-ahead Pumpkin Chiffon Pie

  • on November 7, 2008
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Ingrients & Directions

1 Envelope Knox Unflavored 1/2 c Milk
Gelatine 1/4 c Water
3/4 c Dark brown sugar 3 Egg yolks
Firmly packed 1 1/2 c Canned pumpkin
1/2 ts Salt 3 Egg whites beaten stiff
1/2 ts Nutmeg 1/4 c Sugar
1 ts Cinnamon 9 Inch baked pie shell

New light-and-luscious recipe for a traditional spicy pumpkin pie. Perfect
dessert after a big holiday dinner. And do-ahead easy with Kaiser Quilted

Kaiser Quilted Henvy Duty or Broiling Foil

Mix first 5 ingredients in top of double boiler.

Stir in milk, water, eggyolks, pumpkin. Mix well. Place over boiling water.
Cook stirring constantly, until gelatine dissolves and mixture is heated
through, about 10 minutes. Remove from heat. Chill until mixture mounds
when dropped from spoon. Beat egg whites stiff and beat in sugar. Fold in
gelatine mixture. Turn into baked pie shell.

For 9″ Pie Shell: No floured board needed. Roll 12″ circle of pastry dough
on 14″ square of Kaiser Broiling Foil. Lift foil and pastry into pie plate;
fit gently to plate. Flute pastry rim. Prick bottom and sides of pastry.
Bake 10 minutes at 450?F or until evenly brown; foil prevents
over-browning. Cool. Heap filling into shell. Wrap loosely in foil.
Refrigerate overnight. Serves 8. Garnish with whipped cream if desired.

8 servings

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