Oatmeal Crispies

  • on December 23, 2008
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Ingrients & Directions

1 1/2 c All-purpose flour
1 ts Salt
3 c Quaker Oats Quick Oats
1/2 c Walnuts; chopped fine
1 ts Vanilla
1 c Shortening
2 c Firmly packed light brown
2 Eggs; beaten
1 ts Baking soda
1 ts Grated orange peel
1 ts Ground cinnamon
1 ts Ground nutmeg

The Following recipes are from The Frugal Gourmet Celebrates Christmas,
which is a beautiful book.

I na bowl, combine all the ingredients and knead together to form a dough.
Place half the dough, shaped into a rough rope, on a large piece of plastic
wrap. Fold the plastic over and work the dough into the shape of a log 2
inches in diameter. Repeat with the remaining dough. Freeze the logs until
hard, about 2 hours. To make the cookies, cut the dough into 3/16-inch
slices and place on nonstick cookie sheets. Bake in a preheated 350 oven
for 10 to 12 minutes. Transfer to a rack to cool or eat them warm from the

1 Servings

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