Peach Cream Pie

  • on January 15, 2009
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Ingrients & Directions

3 ea Med. Fresh Peaches * 3 c Half & Half or Coffee Cream
3 T (level) Unbleached Flour 1/2 t Cinnamon or To Taste

* Or enough to fill pie shell with peach halves.
—————— Peel Peaches, cut in half and remove stones.
Arrange halves cut side down in an unbaked pieshell. Mix sugar, flour
and cinnamon with cream to make a paste. Pour over peaches. Place
in hot oven 450 degree F. Bake 10 minutes or until shell begins to
brown. Reduce heat to moderate oven (350 degrees F.). Continue
baking for 30 minutes or until peaches are done. Cool and serve cold.

6 servings

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