Irresistible Ice Cream Pie

  • on February 8, 2009
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Ingrients & Directions

3/4 c Evaporated milk 6 oz Chocolate flavored ready pie
4 tb Butter -crust, save plastic lid!
2 Squares bakers chocolate 1/2 c Heavy cream
1/2 c Sugar 2 tb Coffee liqueur (Kahlua)
2 c Coffee ice cream, slightly 1/4 c Pecans, coarsely chopped

In a small saucepan, cook evaporated milk, butter, chocolate and sugar
over low heat, stirring constantly, until thick as cooked pudding (before
it cools). Cool completely.
Spoon ice cream into pie crust and spread into an even layer. Spread
chocolate mixture over ice cream. Place pie in freezer.
Beat heavy cream with electric mixer until soft peaks form. With mixer
running, add coffee liqueur and beat until completely mixed. Spread
mixture over pie. Cover pie and freeze for at least 4 hours.
About fifteen minutes before serving, remove lid and sprinkle with nuts.
Place in refrigerator until ready to serve.
Serves 8 with each serving = 434 cal, 5 g pro, 42 g carbs, 28 g fat, 43 mg
chol, 215 mg sodium.

8 servings

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