Paradise Peach Pie

  • on March 21, 2009
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Ingrients & Directions

1/2 c Pecans
5 Peaches
1/2 c Chopped dried pineapple
3/4 c Chopped fresh pineapple
1/2 ts Apple pie spice
1/2 ts Cinnamon
2/3 c Pitted soft dates
1/2 c Fresh berries to garnish
1 Pie crust, see recipe

In a small bowl, cover pecans with water & soak for 8 to 12 hours. Drain &
rinse & set aside. Peel & halve the peaches, reserving the skin. Remove the
pit & thinly slice the flesh. Set aside. In a food processor, blend peach
skin with the pecans & both pineapples, spices & dates. In the pie shell,
layer half the the peach slices in a fanned spiral. Evenly spread half the
pineapple mixture over the peaches. Repeat the process. Garnish with fresh
berries of your choice. Serve immediately or refrigerate & serve chilled.

12 Servings

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