Polly’s Sugar Cream Pie

  • on March 11, 2009
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Ingrients & Directions

1 c Sugar 1 c Cream, coffee
1 tb Butter 1/2 c Flour
3/4 ts Vanilla 1/4 ts Salt
1 c Cream, whipping 1/2 ts Nutmeg

1. Combine creams and vanilla in a small bowl.
2. Combine flour, sugar and salt in another bowl.
3. With a wire whip, add cream mixture to flour mixture.
4. Line a 9″ pie pan with pastry and dot with butter and nutmeg.
5. Pour mixture into pie shell and bake for 10 minutes at 450 deg f.
6. Decrease temperature to 325 deg f and stir pie. Bake for 20 – 25
minutes at 325 f after stirring.
7. Shake every 8 – 10 minutes to prevent separation of the cream.
HINT: place cookie sheet under pie pan as this mix boils over easily while

8 servings

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