Cheddar Crumble Apple Pie

  • on April 7, 2009
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Ingrients & Directions

1 ea 9″ Unbaked Pie Shell

1/2 c Unbleached Flour 1/3 c Brown Sugar; Firmly Packed
1/3 c Sugar 1/2 t Cinnamon; Ground

1 1/2 lb Cooking Apples; * 1/4 t Nutmeg; Ground
6 oz Cheddar;Md, Shredded,1 1/2 C 5 tb Butter
4 t Unbleached Flour 1 tb Lemon Juice; Fresh

* Use a cooking apple such as Granny Smith’s.
Core, peel and thinly
++++++++++++++++++ Make a high rim around the pie crust. Combine all
the dry ingredients in the topping and cut in the butter until
crumbly. Set aside. Toss the apples and lemon juice together and add
the cheese, flour, and nutmeg, tossing and mixing well.
Arrange the apples in the crust and sprinkle on the topping. Bake in
a preheated 375 degree F. oven for 40 to 50 minutes. Serve warm with
Vanilla Ice Cream if desired.

8 servings

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