Marions Best Ever Apple Pie

  • on April 24, 2009
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Ingrients & Directions

1 x ———–pastry———– 1/2 c Brown sugar
2 c All purpose flour 2 T Lemon juice
3 oz Ea cold butter and cold lard 1 t Heaping of bread crumbs
5 T Ice cold water 1 x ———-egg wash———-
1 x ———-filling———– 1 ea Egg yolk
5 ea Large tart apples (spy) 2 T Milk
1 t Ground cinnimon

To make pastry, cut butter and lard into flour with pastry blender
until mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
Scatter water on mixture, mixing with fork until dough forms a ball.
Wrap in plastic wrap and chill about 30 minutes. Divide into 2 balls.
Roll out one portion to fit a 9 inch pie pan, leaving 1 inch of
pastry at edge. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Core, peel and thinly
slice apples. Toss with cinnamon, sugar and lemon juice in a bowl.
Sprinkle heaping teaspoon flour or bread crumbs evenly over pie shell.
Arrange apples slices on top, leaving as little space between slices
as possible. Pile slices high but do not mound in centre. Roll out
other half of dough to fit top of pie. Brush edge of bottom crust
with egg wash made by blending beaten egg yolk with milk.
Place top layer of dough on pie. Tuck top layer under bottom layer
of dough around edge of pie. Crimp edges with fingers to form
fluting. Prick pie with fork in at least a dozen places to let steam
Brush with eggwash. Bake 15 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 400
degrees F and bake 15 minutes, then reduce to 325 degrees F and bake
20 minutes more, or until crust is golden brown.

8 servings

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