Pecan Pie 2

  • on April 26, 2009
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Ingrients & Directions

2 T Butter or margarine 2 t Unbleached flour
2 ea Large beaten eggs 1/4 t Vanilla
1/2 c Dark corn syrup 1 x Pecan pie pastry shell
1/3 c Sugar 1/2 c Pecan halves

In a small nonmetal bowl micro-cook butter or margarine, uncovered,
on 100% power for 30 seconds to 1 minute or till melted. Stir in
beaten eggs, corn syrup, sugar and flour. Micro-cook, uncovered, on
50% of power about 5 minutes or till slightly thickened, stirring
every minute. Stir in vanilla. Turn into pecan pie pastry. Arrange
pecan halves atop pie. Micro-cook, uncovered, on 30% power for 6 to 7
minutes or just till set, rotating the dish a quarter-turn every 2
minutes. Cool before serving.

1 servings

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