Black Bottom Pie

  • on June 6, 2009
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Ingrients & Directions

1/2 c Sugar
1 tb Cornstarch
2 c Scalded milk
1/4 c Cold water
1/2 ts Vanilla extract
4 Egg whites
1 9″ baked pastry shell
1 tb Unflavored gelatin
4 Egg yolks, beaten
1 ts Vanilla
6 oz Semi-sweet chocolate bits
1/2 c Sugar

Combine cornstarch & 1/2 c sugar. Slowly add milk to egg yolks, then
stir into sugar & cornstarch mixture. Cook in double boiler, stirring
constantly, until it coats spoon. Remove from heat, add vanilla.
Remove one cup of this custard mixture and stir in chocolate bits
until melted. Pour chocolate mixture inyo pastry shell & chill.
Soften gelatin in water and add to remaining hot custard; stir until
gelatin is dissolved. Add flavoring. Chill until slightly thickened.
Beat eggs whites until soft peaks form. Gradually add remaining sugar
while beating, until stiff. Fold custard/gelatin into egg whites and
pile over chocolate layer in pie shell. Chill until set and garnish
with chopped walnuts. Mrs. Henry D. Chaplin

8 servings

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