Boston Cream Pie

  • on June 25, 2009
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Ingrients & Directions

———–cake l———–
1 c Sugar
2/3 c Milk
1 3/4 c All-purpose flour
——-vanilla egg c——–
1/3 c Cornstarch
2 1/2 c Milk
——–chocolate g———
1 tb Butter
1/4 c Milk
1/4 c Butter, softened
3 Large eggs
1 ts Vanilla
2 ts Baking powder
2/3 c Sugar
1/4 ts Salt
4 Large egg yolks,lightly beat
3 1 oz. chocolate squares
1/3 c Confectioners’ sugar

Prepare cake layers: Heat oven to 350 degrees.Grease and flour two 9″
round cake pans.In large bowl with electric mixer at medium speed,
beat 1/4 cup butter,1 cup sugar,eggs,2/3 cup milk,1 tsp. vanilla and
baking powder about 4 minutes until thoroughly blended and smooth.
Spoon batter into prepared pans;bake 30 minutes until wooden pick
inserted in center of each layer comes out clean.Remove layers to
wire racks to cool completely. Prepare egg custard: In 2 qt.
saucepan,stir 2/3 cup sugar,cornstarch and salt until thoroughly
mixed;slowly stir in 2 1/2 cups milk until smooth.Bring to boil over
medium heat,stirring constantly;cook 1 minute until mixture boils
rapidly and thickens.Remove from heat; very slowly pour lightly
beaten egg yolks into hot mixture,stirring rapidly and constantly to
blend and keep smooth.Return mixture to low heat;cook 1 minute
longer.Do not allow to boil.Remove from heat;stir in 1 tbsp.
vanilla.Cool completely,stirring frequently. Prepare chocolate glaze:
In small heavy saucepan over very low heat, melt chocolate and 1
tbsp. butter,stirring frequently until blended and smooth.Remove from
heat;stir in confectioners sugar and 1/4 cup milk until blended and
smooth.Keep warm,covered. To assemble: Using sharp serrated
knife,carefully cut cooled layers in half horizontally.Place one
layer,cut side up,on serving platter; spread with 1/3 cooled
custard.Repeat with remaining cake layers and custard,ending with
cake layer,cut side down.Spoon warm glaze over top of cake,letting
mixture drip down sides.Makes 12 to 16 servings.

14 servings

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