Tamale Pie Iii

  • on July 20, 2009
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Ingrients & Directions

6 sl Bacon
1 lb Ground beef
1 c Whole kernel corn
1/4 c Chopped green chiles
3 Green onions w/tops, chopped
1/4 c Cornmeal
1/4 ts Oregano
1 ts Chili powder (or more)
1 ts Salt
Freshly ground black pepper
1/4 ts Cumin, ground
1 cn Tomato sauce (8 oz. can)
1 Cornmeal Pie crust (see #80)
1 Egg
1/4 c Evaporated milk
1/2 ts Dry mustard
2 c Jack cheese, grated
4 Stuffed olives, sliced

Fry bacon until crisp; break into lge. pcs. Set aside. Chill bacon
drippings until firm for use in crust. Brown ground beef in large
skillet; drain off fat. Stir in next 10 ingreds. Prepare the
piecrust, and use it to line a 9″ pie pan. Place meat mixture in the
pan. Bake at 425 F. for 25 min. Mean while, combine egg, evapporated
milk, mustard and cheese. Spread on top of the pie and decorate with
the reserved bacon pcs. and the sliced olives. Bake for 5 min.
longer, or until cheese melts. Let stand for 10 min., or until
firm, before serving.

6 servings

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