Curried Lentil Pie

  • on August 25, 2009
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Ingrients & Directions

Pastry for 2 crust pie
2 tb Oil
1 lg Onion, chopped
2 ea Garlic cloves, chopped
1 md Potato, diced
1 md Carrot, sliced
1 sm Green bell pepper, diced
1 tb Coriander powder
1 ts Cumin powder
1 ts Ginger powder
1 ts Turmeric
1 c Green lentils
2 c Water
2 tb Tomato paste
Salt & pepper

In a large pot, heat oil. Fry onion & garlic for a couple of minutes. Add
potatoes, carrots & bell pepper & continue to fry for a few more minutes,
stirring occasionally. Add spices & stir fry for a couple of seconds. Add
lentils & tomato paste , stir quickly & add water. Cover, raise heat &
bring to a boil. Reduce heat & simmer gently for 30 minutes. Add salt &
pepper. Check the water levels & lentil consistency. Cook for another 15
minutes if lentils are not cooked. Remove from heat & let cool slightly.
The mixture should be moist but not swimming in water.

Roll out the pastry & line a 9″ pie plate. Add the filling & cover with
remaining pastry. Bake at 400F/200C for 30 to 40 minutes until the pastry
is browned. Serve with chutney, chili sauce & a salad. Good cold.

Very loosely drawn from “Entertaining with Cranks”

8 servings

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