511842 Pennsylvania Dutch Corn Pie

  • on September 24, 2009
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Ingrients & Directions

2 (9-inch) pie crusts 4 Pats butter or margarine
6 8 ears fresh and tender -Pepper
-white or yellow corn 1/2 c Milk
1 ts Sugar

Prepare corn. Husk, remove silks, wash, cut from ears, sprinkle with
sugar, dash of pepper, and mix. Roll out half of the pastry and line
a 9-inch pie plate. Fill crust with cut corn. Cut 4 pats of butter
in half and dot on top of corn. Add milk to steam corn. Roll out
remaining pastry for top crust, cover filling and crimp edges to
seal. Cut vents in top crust and bake in 400 degree preheated oven
for about 20 minutes until pie crust browns. Turn temperature
setting back to 350 degrees and bake another 25 minutes. If desired,
heat additional milk to pour over each portion.

6 servings

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