Libby’s Famous Pumpkin Pie From Fred Goslin

  • on September 29, 2009
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Ingrients & Directions

2 Eggs slightly beaten 1/2 ts Grnd ginger
1 16oz can Libby’s pumpkin 3/4 ts Grnd cloves
3/4 c Sugar 1 Can evaporated milk
1/2 ts Salt 1 9 ” pie shell
1 ts Grnd Cinnamon

Preheat oven to 425.

Combine filling ingredients in order given and pour into pie shell
and bake 15 min. Reduce heat to 350F and bake 45 more minutes or
until knife inserted near center comes out clean.

Cool, garnish if desired… don’t forget the whipped cream or Vanilla
ice cream

1 servings

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