White Trash Cooter Pie

  • on November 22, 2009
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Ingrients & Directions

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First you take a live cooter and wait for him to stick his head out
from under his shell. When he does, you grab it and whack it off.
Take a hatchet to the underside so you can get to the meat and remove
it along with the liver, tripe and egg (if he has any). Set aside.
1/2 cup chopped bacon 2 medium onions, chopped 2 toes of garlic,
crushed 1 stewed tomato, chopped 1 tsp thyme 1/4 cup flour

Saute the bacon, onion, garlic, tomato and thyme until brown. Then
add the chopped cooter and continue to cook. Brown the flour in a
frying pan stirring constantly until browned. Add to the cooter
mixture. Add enough water to make it soupy and cook until meat is
tender enough to fall off the bones. Mix up biscuit dough and drop
small lumps on stew. Use enough to cover the top of stew. Bake in
preheated 400F oven until biscuits are golden in color. A hunter
will come out of the woods to get this! Origin:

3 servings

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