Fruit Sweet And Sugar Free – Fresh Peach Pie

  • on December 7, 2009
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Ingrients & Directions

1 Basic pie crust, bottom Egg wash for pies and tarts
3/4 Inch wide lattice strips

8 Medium size peaches 1/8 ts Nutmeg
1/4 c Fruit sweetener 1 ts Vanilla extract
1/8 ts Salt 1 tb Lemon juice
2 tb Cornstarch 1/2 ts Lemon zest
1/4 ts Cinnamon

Prepare the bottom crust according to the directions. The lattice
strips can be cut in advance and refrigerated, covered with plastic.
For ease of handling remove them 10 minutes before they are needed.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Place the peaches in a pot of
boiling water for 5-10 seconds to loosen their skins. Peel the
peaches. Then slice them into 1/4 inch slices. You should have six
cups of sliced peaches. In a medium size bowl, mix together all the
filling ingredients except the peaches. Add the sliced peaches and
toss to coat them evenly, with the cornstarch and spice mixture. Pile
the fruit into the unbaked pie crust. Prepare the egg wash and brush
it onto the rim of the crust. Top the pie with the lattice strips,
trim from the edge of the pie any pastry extending beyond the edge of
the pie pan, and seal by pressing lightly with the tines of a fork.
Brush the lattice top with egg wash. To bake the pie, place it on a
baking sheet, in the preheated oven, directly on the floor of a gas
oven or on the lowest shelf of an electric oven. Bake for 1 to 1-1/4
hours, until the crust is golden and the filling is bubbling to
within 3 inches of the center of the pie. Cool the pie completely,
before cutting and serving.

8 servings

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