Chocolate Cheese Mousse Pie

  • on March 13, 2010
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Ingrients & Directions

1/4 c Skim Milk 1 tb Unsweetened Cocoa
1 Envelope Unflavored Gelatin 1 tb Vanilla
2/3 c Skim Milk 1 1/2 c Low Fat Cottage Cheese
2 lg Eggs, Separated 1/3 c Graham Cracker Crumbs
6 tb Sugar 1/8 ts Cinnamon

Pour 1/4 cup skim milk into a blender container; sprinkle gelatin over
milk; allow to soften for 5 minutes. Heat 2/3 cup skim milk to
boiling point. Pour into blender bowl and blend until gelatin
dissolves. Add egg yolks, 4 tb sugar, cocoa and vanilla. Blend at
medium speed until well mixed. Add cottage cheese and blend until
smooth. Refrigerate until thick. Beat egg whites; add remaining
sugar and fold into chocolate mixture. Mix crumbs and cinnamon.
Place in an 8″ pie pan. Carefully pour in chocolate mixture and
refrigerate. Only 105 calories per serving.

6 servings

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