Flapper Pie

  • on March 3, 2010
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Ingrients & Directions

1 1/4 c Graham wafer crumbs 1/2 ts Cinnamon
1/4 c Sugar — granulated 1/4 c Butter — melted

1/4 c Sugar — granulated 2 Egg yolks — lightly beaten
3 tb Cornstarch 1 ts Vanilla
2 c Milk

2 Egg whites 2 tb Sugar — granulated
1/4 ts Cream of tartar

“In eastern Canada, this recipe was called Graham Wafer Cream Pie, but
westerners knew it as Flapper Pie. … Cream pies like butterscotch,
banana cream and coconut cream were favorites of this decade and
restaurants (called cafes in the West and usually run by Chinese
cook/owners) always had cream pies on their menus.


Combine crumbs, sugar and cinnaomn; blend in butter. Set 1/4 c aside.
Press remainder onto bottom and sides of 9 inch pie plate. Bake in
375F oven for 8 minutes; cool.


In saucepan, mix sugar with cornstarch; blend in milk. Cook over
medium heat, stirring, until boiling; stir a little into yolks, then
return to the saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring, for 2 minutes
or until thickened. Remove from heat; add vanilla and cool slightly.
Pour into pie crust.


Beat egg whites with cream of tartar till soft peaks form; gradually
beat in sugar until stiff peaks form. Spread over filling, sealing to
crust. Top with reserved crumbs.

Bake in 400F oven for 5 minutes or till lightly browned. Cool to room
temperature, about 4 hours.

SOURCE: The Twenties chapter, _A Century of Canadian Home Cooking_

1 servings

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