Glazed Strawberry-rhubarb Pie

  • on March 20, 2010
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Ingrients & Directions

———————–FARM JOURNAL’S BEST EVER———————–
1 1/4 c Sugar 2 c Fresh strawberries
1/8 ts Salt 2 c Fresh rhubarb, 1″ pcs
1/3 c Flour 2 tb Butter
Pastry for 2 crust 9″ pie 1 tb Sugar

Combine 1 1/4c sugar, salt, and flour in bowl; mix well. Roll out
half of pastry. Fit into 9″ pie plate. Arrange 1/2 strawberries and
rhubarb in pastry lined pie plate. Sprinle with 1/2 sugar mixture.
Repeat with remaining fruit and sugar mixture; dot with butter. Roll
out remaining pastry. Adjust top crust and flute dges. Brush top of
pie with cold water and sprinkle with 1T sugar. Cut vents in top.
Bake 425F, 40-50 mins or utnil rhubarb is tender and crust is
browned. Cool on rack. 6-8 servings. Note: You can top with a lattice
instead of regular top crust if desired.

1 pie

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