Haworth Bilberry Pie

  • on March 31, 2010
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Ingrients & Directions

500 g Bilberries Shortcrust or puff pastry
125 g Caster sugar Egg white, lightly beaten
2 lg Apples cooking Sugar, extra

Mix the bilberries and half the sugar. Core the apples and bake until
tender. Scrape out the pulp and sweeten with the remaining sugar and
mix with the bilberries.

Butter and line a pie plate with pastry. Put in the bilberry filling
and cover with pastry. Brush with egg white if using shortcrust
pastry. Sprinkle with a thin layer of sugar. If using puff pastry
glaze with an egg glaze.

Bake in a hot oven to set the pastry – gas 6 to 7, 200 – 220 Celsius
(400 – 425 F) – then lower the heat to moderate (gas 4, 180C, 350F)
to cook the fruit.

Serve with cream.

1 servings

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