Peppery Hush Puppies

  • on March 10, 2010
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Ingrients & Directions

2 c Cornmeal 2 ea Jalapeno peppers; seeded and
1/2 c Pancake mix -diced
1 ts Baking powder 1 ea Egg
2 1/2 ts Sugar 1 c Buttermilk
1 ts Salt 2 tb Vegetable oil
1/2 c Diced onion 1/8 ts Hot sauce
1/2 c Diced green pepper Vegetable oil

Combine first 8 ingredients in a medium bowl; stir well. Add egg
and next 3 ingredients, and stir well.
Pour oil to a depth of 2 to 3 inches into a Dutch oven or heavy
saucepan. Heat to 375 F. Carefully drop batter by rounded
tablespoonfuls into oil; cook only a few at a time, turning once. Fry
1 to 2 minutes on each side or until hush puppies are golden brown.
Drain on paper towels and serve immediately.

4 dozen

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