Triple-decker Butterscotch Pie

  • on April 13, 2010
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Ingrients & Directions

2 c Flour
3/4 ts Salt
2/3 c Shortening
6 tb (-8) Ice Water

2 c Milk
1 1/4 c Brown Sugar
1/3 c Flour
1/8 ts Salt
2 Egg Yolks — beaten
2 tb Butter
1/2 ts Vanilla Extract

2 Egg Whites
1/4 c Granulated Sugar
1/2 ts Vanilla Extract
Sprinkle Salt

For the crust: Preheat oven to 450 F. Sift flour and salt and cut in
shortening. Add enough ice water to hold ingredients together. Divide
dough into 3 parts and roll into three 9-inch circles. Place
separately on baking sheets, prickling each well. Bake for 8 to 10
mins or until delicately browned. Cool.

For the filling: Scald the milk in the top of a double boiler. Mix
sugar, flour, and salt and add to milk, stirring constantly until
thick. Add a little of the mixture to the beaten egg yolks, then
return to the double boiler. Cook 4 mins more. Stir in butter until
melted, add vanilla, then cool. Put together with the 3 crusts like a
layer cake, alternating crust with filling and ending with filling on

For the meringue: Reduce oven to 325 F. Beat egg whites until soft
peaks form. Gradually add sugar, then vanilla and salt. Continue
beating until stiff peaks form. Pile meringue lightly on top and
sides of pie and bake for 15 mins, until light brown. Cool and
refrigerate. Serve chilled.

Yield: 8 servings.

8 servings

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