
  • on May 27, 2010
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Ingrients & Directions

1 lb Leg of lamb, cubed 1-inch

1/2 c Vinegar 1 ts Garlic powder
1/2 c Olive oil 1 Bay leaf
1 tb Rosmary, whole 1 pn Sage
1 ts Pepper 1/2 ts Thyme
1 ts Oregano

Pull the fell from the lamb. Trim off excess fat, then bone it. Cut
off about 1 lb of meat and cut into cubes, about 1 inch on a side.
Place in large bowl.

Make the marinade. You can substitue Italian dressing, but to be
sure to add additional whole rosemary, as that’s the prime spice for
this recipe!

Pour the marinade over the lamb. Let it sit for a minumum of 4 hours,
stirring occaisionally. It comes out better if it marinates for 1 or
more days.

When ready to cook, spear lamb on skewers and BBQ to slightly on the
medium side of rare, or too taste. (Medium rare is best). Use the
leftover marinade to baste, turning the skewers as necessary.

When done, use fresh sliced bread to pull the meat off the skewers,
making sort of a hot dog roll with the bread.

Caution! Make sure all you neighbors are up wind from the BBQ, or
you will find that you didn’t make enough meat.

Stolen from a local tradition in Binghamton, NY

4 servings

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