Steak And Kidney Pie

  • on May 8, 2010
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Ingrients & Directions

1 1/2 lb Round or other beef steak
3/4 lb Kidneys
3 tb Beef fat or butter
Seasoned flour
1 md Potato sliced, opt’l
1 c Mushrooms, sliced, opt’l
2 c Brown stock
1 c Dry red wine or beer
1 ts Dry mustard
Pate brisee or
Biscuit dough

Veal and lamb kidneys are prime. If beef kidneys are used they should
be blanched after soaking and before sauteing and the cooking time
increased to ensure tenderness. Wash and soak the kidneys for 2 hours
in two changes of salted water to clean. Slice thin and sautee in a
skillet with the melted beef fat for about two min. Cut the steak
into small pieces and shake in a bag with seasoned flour. Lightly
grease an oven proof dish and line it with the floured steak. Add the
partly cooked kidneys and optionally some potato or mushrooms. Stir a
tablespoon of the left over seasoning flour and the mustard into the
stock and wine/beer and pour over the meats. Cover the dish and bake
two hours. Raise the oven to 400 and cover the meat with the pie
crust or biscuit dough. Bake another 12 to 15 min until the top is

4 servings

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