Sybil Carter’s Quick Peanut Pie

  • on July 30, 2010
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Ingrients & Directions

3/4 Sugar cookie dough* 1/4 c Coconut,shredded
2 Chocolate candy bars** 2 c Milk
1 pk Vanilla pudding,instant 1/2 c Marshmallows,miniature

* – roasted coconut refrigerator
** – with peanuts, sliced

1. Slice cookie dough into thin slices. Line lightly greased pie
plate with cookies, pressing to form solid dough. Prick and bake at
375’F. about 10 minutes, or until browned. Cool.
2. Line with sliced candy bars. Prepare pudding according to package
directions, add coconut, and pour over candy. Top with marshmallows.

6 servings

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